
Premature Ejaculation Never Looked So…Sad [PICS]
Premature Ejaculation Never Looked So…Sad [PICS]
Premature Ejaculation Never Looked So…Sad [PICS]
Some men have a real problem and it's called Premature Ejaculation. If you're a "Minute Man" or "Two-Pump Chump" you know it's really sad thing. While everyone else is having hours of sexual bliss, you are done and watching SportsCenter in 30 seconds or less...
The Best Super Bowl Commercial Goes To…
The Best Super Bowl Commercial Goes To…
The Best Super Bowl Commercial Goes To…
...the one we didn't see from Durex! By the looks of it,  Durex has a dark, twisted sense of humor, but the network censors just didn't feel America could handle Durex's deep penetration of the mind. Personally, I love it! But of course I'm a deeply disturbed man with a dirty, dirty mind (so if you try to mind f*ck me you best have a Durex handy)...