Stephanie has performed standup comedy throughout the country and was recently named one of the 40 Funniest Women on Twitter by Someecards. She's been featured on Playboy (for her jokes, you pervs!), Huffington Post, Mashable, BuzzFeed, The Chive, Someecards and the Ellen Show. She once washed a cat in a bathroom sink at DFW airport.
Stephanie McMaster
Mexican Man Says 19-Inch Penis Is Ruining His Life
A Mexican man claims to have the world's largest penis, measuring in at nearly 19 inches long, and says his large package is ruining his life.
Texan Takes Patriotism To New Level, Waves US Flag in All 50 States
While most of us will be celebrating Independence Day with sizzling grills, chilling beers and bursting fireworks, one Texan took his patriotism to a whole new level, by traveling to all 50 states and shooting video of himself waving the American flag in each one.
What Dads REALLY Want For Father’s Day
If you're a dad, chances are you're getting some ties, socks and, if you're lucky, a sweet "No. 1 Dad" mug this Sunday. But what do you REALLY want? According to dads on the Internet, the wish list is pretty simple.
According to dads on Reddit, here's what they really want this Father's Day: