DeSoto Sheriff Opens Firing Range For Public to Sight in Deer Rifles
Deer season is so close now I can almost smell the fried backstrap! Archery season here in Area 2 is only three days away and set to open this Friday, October 1.
Modern firearms season is set to begin this year on October 30! Course, that means it's time for the annual "sighting in of your deer rifle."
I've always believed that the most ethical hunters are those who take the time to make sure that our animal of prey never knows fear. The animal goes from alive to dead within the blink of an eye. That requires a couple of things. First and foremost is remembering that you can never put the bullet back in the gun. If a hunter isn't sure they can make an ethical shot, it's too easy to just not pull the trigger.
Secondly, it's incredibly important for the ethical hunter to make sure that the weapon chosen will hit exactly where it's aimed.
And DeSoto Parish Sheriff Jayson Richardson is offering some help in that effort and will open the DeSoto Parish Sheriff's Office Rifle Range to DeSoto Parish residents on two Saturdays.
The dates are as follows:
- Saturday, October 16 from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm
- Saturday, October 23 from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm
Not only will the range be offered at no charge, it's a totally safe environment, so essentially it's worry free.
The range, at the DeSoto Parish Training Facility at 120 Sprocket Ln. in Grand Cane, La., will have shooting lanes open at 100 yards, the perfect distance to sight in that deer rifle.
All stations will be equipped with a shooting bench and lead sled to assist hunters. Basic targets will be available at the range, but shooters are allowed to bring their own targets.
Additionally, shooters will need to bring their own weapons, ammunition, hearing and eye protection, however a limited supply of hearing and eye protection may be available at the range if needed.
A Range Instructor as well as other deputies will be on site and available for assistance to ensure safety.
Registration is not required, however the range will only be open to DeSoto Parish residents.
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