Duck Dynasty’s Godwin to Speak at Summer Grove Banquet

As a Christian and outdoorsman, one of the events I most look forward to each year (besides opening day of deer season) is the annual Sportsman's Night Out at Summer Grove Baptist Church.
Honesty, I was really scared that COVID would cancel this year's event much like it did the appearance of Jimmy Houston that was scheduled a couple of months ago at Rose Park Baptist Church, but apparently there's been enough progress in dealing with COVID, that Summer Grove's night is still ON!
It is set for Thursday, October 22 at Summer Grove Baptist Church in the old South Park Mall at 8924 Jewella Avenue in Shreveport.
In keeping with their tradition of bringing in a widely known, Christian celebrity, to speak, this year's announcement was huge for us outdoorsman here in Louisiana. He is Duck Dynasty's own John Godwin.
According to duckdynastytv.com:
Godwin, along with Justin Martin (Martin), is one of only two regular cast members of Duck Dynasty who is not part of the Robertson family. His official title at Duck Commander is Shipping Manager, but he also builds duck calls and manages supplies. He has worked at Duck Commander since 2002.
Certainly no stranger to all of us around these parts, Godwin's message of Christian faith and encouragement, with some added hunting and fishing humor, will be one all attendees will enjoy for sure. And for those who want to know more about catching crappie, Godwin is a specialist and certainly capable of providing some great tips.
This event is ONLY for men and boys and will feature a number of other attractions including a catfish buffet and thousands of dollars in giveaways including eight different guns and various outdoor prizes such as Yeti coolers and gift cards from Academy and bass pro. In fact, two of those Bass Pro gift cards are each worth $500.
Keep in mind though, the deadline to register and purchase tickets or a full table is this Sunday, October 18 on the Summer Grove Baptist Church website.