If You Get the COVID Vaccine, Who Pays For It?

The house is somewhat divided when it comes to the issue of the newly approved COVID vaccines. Some feel they'll be the salvation to the country in the wake of this disease. Others feel as though the process was rushed through much too quickly and have serious reservations about taking the vaccine.
But let's suppose for a moment that you are a proponent of the vaccine. When it's available to the general public, you'd like to be first in line to get it. You just need to know how much it'll cost and who's actually paying the charges.
In a report from the Louisiana Radio Network, we read that Blue Cross Blue Shield Medical Director Dr. Jeremy Wiggington said the federal government is paying for the vaccine itself with CARES Act funding, but there is a fee to administer the shot.
“Almost all insurance plans, including Blue Cross Blue Shield, are going to cover the administration of those vaccines for no cost to members,” said Wiggington.
He goes on to say, “The administration cost, actually getting the shot for the vaccine, should be little to no money depending on the organization that is providing the vaccination....As soon as the vaccines become available, many different organizations are going to be able to administer the vaccine including healthcare organizations and pharmacies.”
So, in essence, the government will pay for the actual cost of the vaccine, but your insurance provider should pay for the shots to be administered.
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