Crawfish lovers in Louisiana are feeling the pinch as prices for these beloved crustaceans hit an all-time high, with the average cost per pound soaring to an eye-watering $13. While some might be tempted to consider taking out a mortgage to satisfy their crawfish cravings, there's a glimmer of hope, or perhaps a chuckle, on the horizon.

A hilarious online post is making waves, suggesting that those cute, rolly-polly, or doodle bugs, might just be closer to crawfish than we ever imagined. Is it time for the first-ever "doodlefish boil"? We're not sure whether to laugh or cry, but let's dive into the world of these fascinating critters and their unexpected connection to crawfish.

What is a Doodlefish You Ask? Allow us to enlighten you:

Doodlefish also known as "roly-polies" or "doodle bugs" that kids used to play with in the dirt have a surprising connection to crawfish.

Roly-polies, as they are commonly known, are fascinating creatures that go by various names, such as wood shrimp, doodlebugs, and, in England, chiggypigs, penny sows, and cheesybugs. However, their official name is pillbug. Despite being commonly referred to as bugs, they are not insects at all but rather crustaceans. In fact, they are more closely related to shrimp, crabs, and crayfish than they are to the ants and other insects that share their soil habitat.

The party trick that sets them apart? They can roll themselves into a ball! It's like a built-in "panic button" for when life gets too stressful (we're looking at you, skyrocketing crawfish prices). These land-loving crustaceans need to stay moist, but they can't live underwater. So, they're like the swanky, upscale cousins of their aquatic relatives.

Pillbugs play a vital role in ecosystems as scavengers, primarily feeding on decaying plant matter and decomposing material. They act as decomposers, breaking down organic matter and returning nutrients to the soil. Due to their sensitivity to environmental changes, they serve as biological indicators, offering insights into ecosystem health.

The comments lead us to believe this is all a joke, but you never know


If people are complaining about the size of crawfish this season imagine what they will say about the size of these little guys.

Don't Boil Those Roly-Pollies Just Yet!

Interestingly, a 2015 study found that pillbugs play a small but significant role in slowing down climate change. As the Earth's atmosphere warms, more fungal matter is produced, releasing additional carbon dioxide into the air. However, pillbugs and other soil-dwelling bugs help mitigate this by consuming the fungus, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Unlike many other critters found in the dirt, roly-polies are endearing and non-threatening. They do not bite or sting, rarely consume living plants or crops, and pose minimal risks to humans and agricultural land. In fact, they positively impact their ecosystems by improving soil quality. So, maybe it's best we leave these little guys alone.

While crawfish prices keep inching up the idea of a "doodlefish boil" might be the comedic relief we all need. Who would've thought that our beloved rolly-polies had a secret connection to the crawfish kingdom?

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Gallery Credit: DJ Digital


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