WESLA Federal Credit Union — Shreveport's Credit Union Expert
We are 'What Your Bank Oughta' Be!
WESLA Federal Credit Union is a homegrown, community credit union serving everyone who live, work, or worship in Caddo or Bossier Parish, as well as family members of current members.
Our History
WESLA Federal Credit Union was founded in 1971 to serve the employees of Western Electric. When massive layoffs by Western Electric began in the 80's, WESLA began expanding its eligibility to include multiple Select Employee Groups. The Caddo Teachers Association Credit Union was among the eight (8) credit unions merged into WESLA. In February 2000, the National Credit Union Administration approved WESLA's application for a community charter serving Caddo and Bossier Parish. We have grown to assets of more than $80 million.
Our Core Values
WESLA Federal Credit Union values commitment and loyalty to our members along with honesty and wisdom in our service to them. We seek to hire employees who are honest, courteous and hard-working, while reflecting the diversity of our membership. WESLA is committed to serving the financial needs of our members with the best practical service at the least possible price.
Our Mission
Our goal is to be the best credit union in Louisiana; to promote to an enlarged eligibility field on our established reputation as the purveyor of competent, courteous and ethical service to all of our members.
Additional Information
Shreveport's Credit Union Expert, Banking, Lending, Investing, Other services