Louisiana Pot Law Decriminalization Gains Support from Bar Association [VIDEO]
The cutthroat penalties associated with marijuana possession in Louisiana have been a heated topic for some time. Most recently, the Louisiana Bar Association announced their support for loosening the pot laws across the state – wanting to keep marijuana offenders free of incarceration.
“They are endorsing the idea of lessening the sentences for marijuana possession,” state Senator J.P. Morrel told WGNO, adding that he hopes the Bar Association’s endorsement will provide some added clout to his failed marijuana bill. “I intend to bring this bill back next year.”
Morrel says he wants to know why Louisiana believes it is right to make felons out of individuals with multiple offenses for simple pot possession. “Had my bill passed this year turning marijuana into a misdemeanor, it would have saved the state of Louisiana twenty million dollars a year,” he said.
None of the recent legislation aimed at lessening pot penalties made it out of this year's legislative session alive.