More Sugar Than A Donut – 5 Surprising Things That Do
This morning if you're fortunate someone will bring a dozen donuts into your workplace. You might really want a doughnut but because you don't to mess up your diet you won't have one. Well according the folks who know about such things, that doughnut you're giving up might actually have less sugar than something you're already eating or drinking.
The average glazed doughnut has 10 grams of sugar. These five things have more.
- iladybeauty via you tube
iladybeauty via you tube 1Activia Blueberry Yogurt
That's right the stuff that helps you go number 2 is number one on our list. Let's be fair. This product does have a lot of things in it that are really good for you. But it also has about a doughnut and a half worth of sugar. That's right it's got 16 grams.
- simplicity1st via you tube
simplicity1st via you tube 2Vitamin Water
Oh say it isn't so! It's got "vitamin" right in the name. It's also got 33 grams of sugar in a 20 ounce serving. We're not saying it's not good for you and not delicious and refreshing. We're simply reporting the sugar content. I enjoy Vitamin Water. They have a lot of different flavors and healthy blends.
- Min0Mo3 via You Tube
Min0Mo3 via You Tube 3Orange Juice
This list just keeps getting worse and worse. Orange juice is supposed to be the nectar of all things healthy. It is healthy for you. It also has a lot of sugar. If you enjoy yours in moderation that would be a good thing. O.J. has about 20 grams of sugar in an 8 ounce serving. Hey, that's two donuts you could have had.
- Crouton Crackerjacks via You Tube
Crouton Crackerjacks via You Tube 4KFC Cole Slaw
This just aint right! Cole slaw has vegetable looking things in it. There are cabbage and carrots and healthy stuff in coleslaw. How can this be? Look at the dressing for your answer. The side order of coleslaw from the Colonel has about 14 grams of sugar. Which do you choose the doughnut and a half or the side order of slaw?
- Nikco's Kitchen via You Tube
Nikco's Kitchen via You Tube 5A 6 Inch Meatball Sub From Subway
Now hold on a minute. Subway is good for you! It's the healthy place to eat. We're not saying it isn't. We are simply saying that if you like the meatball subs at Subway you're going to pay a donut and a quarter in sugar to enjoy it. I like the meatball subs at Subway but a six inch? Please, I am a one footer for sure.
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