7 Things My Mother Taught Me That I Never Want to Forget
My Mom Died When I was 13 Years Old.
I live in constant fear that one day I won't remember what my mom was like. So I do all kinds of odd things, in her honor to make sure I never forget her, and what kind of human she was.
Although My Mother Has Been Gone for 17 Years There are Some Things I Can't Forget.
There are so many things I can remember about her. I can remember her perfume, her chuckle, and her hands. Her hands could tell you a lot. If she had dirt under her nails it was a good sign, she was the queen of gardening and it meant that she was out spending time with God, planting new life, and taking care of all her flowers and vegetables.
My Mother Didn't Do the Lecturing, She Was a Doer.
She didn't teach you a lesson by lecturing you, she took you along for the ride as she sprung into action. She had such a simple outlook on life and her simple outlook is still teaching me even though she's gone.
I Have Promised Myself I Will Always Write About My Mother.
Not because she has a story that needs to be told, but because I am so scared that I'll forget what kind of amazing wonderful human she was. Here are 7 things she taught me that I always try to remind myself of. Maybe you need a reminder too.