Proposed Law Would Put You in Jail for Aggressive Driving
Every day we see overzealous, angry, and overly aggressive drivers in the Shreveport / Bossier City area. Maybe you've had one of these fine individuals rush up on you on I-20, only to tailgate you so close you can't see their headlights. Shreveport's own Rep. Sam Jenkins introduced a bill that would allow officers to arrest any motorist in Louisiana that has broken three or more rules of the road for "aggressive driving."
According to Watchdog, the rules include over a "dozen traffic offenses, such as speeding, failing to use a turn signal, following too closely and failing to yield the right-of-way." Not only could you get a night's stay in the fabulous cross-bar motel, the sentencing guidelines a appropriately stiff - violators could face a fine of up to $500, imprisonment for up to six months, or both! Offenders will also be required to complete a "court-approved driver improvement program," and would lose their license for 6 months.