According to their event page on Facebook, over at Columbia Park in Shreveport you can participate in the first annual "Rolling with the Bulls" this Saturday, July 14th. This event is being put on by Caddo Parish Parks and Recreation, Twin City Roller Derby, and Robinson Rescue.

The event will start at 8 am and go on till 1 pm with the "Bull & Matador" Run/Roll at 9 am and then again at 11 am. The purpose of the even is to bring "awareness to Bully Breed Dogs that are commonly the most bullied, as well as spay/neuter programs available in our region"

According to the event page, "The fun run with “Bulls” on skates will be provided by Twin City Rollers, our local roller derby team, and “Matadors”-AKA YOU- will be a family-friendly fun time! Bulls will be easily identifiable in all red with horns on their heads and roller skates on their feet."  Now if you don't want to be targeted by the bulls don't wear red or white. The bulls will only go after the Matadors rocking all white with red accessories like scarfs, hats and jackets.

BTW A free spay and neuter voucher will go to the best dressed Bull and best dressed Matador. The prize will be provided by Robinson Rescue.

You can also enjoy water misters and a giant slip-n-slide at Columbia Park. You are welcome to wear swim suits.

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