So Far In 2023, Shreveport Averages One Murder Every 4 Days
Today, Wednesday February 22nd, is the 53rd day of 2023. As of the moment that this is being written, the Caddo Parish Coroner's Office has announced the violent killings of 12 people in Shreveport. That means Shreveport is pacing for an incredibly violent year.
With 52 days past, and 12 killings over those days, that means Shreveport is witnessing a violent killing at an average rate of once every 4.3 days.
If the city keeps up that pace for the rest of 2023, there will have been at least 84 killings in the year by January 1st, 2024. If that remains true, the city will return to the same homicide numbers we saw in 2021, after a 40%+ decrease in 2022. There were only 47 killings in Shreveport in all of 2022, compared to 93 in 2021.
The pace of killings in Shreveport appear to be on the increase over the last decade. In 2012 the Caddo Corner's Office lists only 23 deaths by homicide. By 2017 that number steadily rose to 62 homicides, with the number of killings every year between 2012 and 2017 increasing.
Even though a couple of the years between 2017 and 2020 did see declines in homicide numbers, they jumped up in 2020 to over 70, then jumped again in 2021 to over 90. So even with 2022 dropping down to less than 50 killings, a projection of 80+ for 2023 is more in-line with the recent data trends than 2022's total. Showing that less than 50 killings in the year was likely a statistical outlier instead of a trend towards lower numbers.
Essentially, the math suggests that Shreveport continuing to see a killing every 4.3 days can be expected.