Deadpool & Wolverine hits theatres this Friday and an iconic artist who has drawn both for Marvel Comics will bet at Geek'd Con in Shreveport this August
This is going to be a huge show, and it's not that far away. If you love the X-Men, Power Rangers, WWE, or really anything geeky, this needs to be on your radar!
Select AMC theaters are going to show every one of 12 Marvel Movies in order to prepare you for the biggest cinematic superhero team-up in the history of the Silver Screen
Last year, Geek'd Con forever changed Shreveport. What started as a small idea, bloomed into a movement. The reason the movement took off, was people like you.
It was kind of a crazy idea: Shreveport doesn't have a comic con, what if someone just started one...
Hopefully you've seen the trailer above by now. It's over 5 million views within the first 18 hours of being posted online.
The Suicide Squad movie is an interesting experiment in the rush of comic book movies. First of all, this movie is about villains...
In 2015 we tried to make sure we shot enough video to keep you and involved, engaged, and entertained by our shenanigans. That means we shot a lot of video in our studio, during interviews, and at our events. Just to share with you!
The new DC Comics film Suicide Squad is filming in Toronto right now. Unlike most superhero movies, there have been a lot of picture releases of characters, as well as video from the set. Leaving little for the surprise element when the movie is released...
For the next couple of weeks, I'm going to put together some lists of my favorite roles for each of the actors coming to Geek'd Con, starting with the 10 biggest Jess Harnell voices.
We've been talking A LOT about the Louisiana Comic Con over the last few weeks. Probably because we're really excited. But that's because most of us at 99X are looking for comics to add to our collections, autographs from our favorite artists, and pictures with our wrestling heroes...