Musicians (rock bands in particular) fully embraced the nerd side decades ago and never really let go. Need proof? Here are some the best superhero- (and comic book-) inspired songs!
In case you didn’t know, our buddies at Excalibur comics have their own web show where they break down what’s good and worth checking out every week in the world of comics. I was going to one myself, but what the hell…I’ve already complete funded this internet show. Any way, this week the guys talk about the brand spanking new Batman, Starve #1, Constantine The Hellblazer #1, Starfire #1, and a WH
June is an important month for DC Comics. Not only are they rolling out all the post Convergence titles and world, but historically speaking, June is a crazy important month for most of their major heroes. Not only is today (June 8th) the anniversary of Thomas and Martha Wayne's Murder, which eventually led Young Master Bruce to become the Caped Crusader Batman, but Superman/Clark Kent's birthday
It's been a while since I've posted on my hunts at Excalibur Comics. I've been going to Excalibur Comics for YEARS and I'm proud to have them as a sponsor of my show. Aside from always pointing me in the right direction as far as new comic books go, they also are hook me up in a big way with key comic book issues I'd be hard pressed to find anywhere else. So, below are some of the key books and ho
In case you didn’t know, our buddies at Excalibur Comics have their own web show where they break down what’s good and worth checking out every week in the world of comics. This week the guys talk about Insufferable #1, Convergence #7, Battleworld #1, A-Force #1 & a WHOLE lot more! Catch up with what’s happening below
In case you didn’t know, our buddies at Excalibur Comics have their own web show where they break down what’s good and worth checking out every week in the world of comics. This week the guys talk about Injection #1, Mantle #1, Mythic #1, Harrow County #1, Secret Wars #2 & a WHOLE lot more! Catch up with what’s happening below.
A few weeks ago, I told you about Geek4Life's Geek'd Con 2015. Well, since then, they've made some major guest announcements that I'm pretty stoked for. This three-day convention is happening at the Shreveport Convention Center August 21-23.
In case you didn’t know, our buddies at Excalibur Comics have their own web show where they break down what’s good and worth checking out every week in the world of comics. This week the guys talk about Kaptara #1, Empire Uprising #1, Black Vortex, Convergence #3 & a WHOLE lot more! Catch up with what’s happening below.
Ok, so last night I finished Daredevil Season One. After the last frame, the only thing I could think was WOW! In all honesty, it may be the best entry yet into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It was dark, it was gritty, it was everything I could have hoped for in the series.
Look, I've been banging on this for months now, but I'm totally pumped for the new Netflix Daredevil series! All the reviews that have come out so far have been nothing but glowing. For the past two weeks, I've been digging through the back issues at Excalibur. I'm in full Daredevil mode! And with the series debuting tomorrow, Marvel has finally revealed Matt Murdock's iconic red suit! Check it ou
I'm in hog heaven because it looks like 2015 is the year of the nerd in Shreveport/Bossier! Back in February we had the Louisiana Comic Con. And now, it looks like a new 3 day Convention is coming to the Shreveport Convention Center August 21-23, Geek'd Con! And from their Facebook page, this looks like it is going to be an EPIC event!