Drink Like George Washington This 4th of JulyDrink Like George Washington This 4th of JulyWhat's more patriotic than drinking George's beer? Matt ParkerMatt Parker
Purse Snatcher Serving Life Sentence to be Set FreePurse Snatcher Serving Life Sentence to be Set FreeSo far a handful of prisoners have gone free due to the same process.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Listen To This Awesome Mash-Up Of Ozzy Osbourne And Earth, Wind And FireListen To This Awesome Mash-Up Of Ozzy Osbourne And Earth, Wind And FireDo you like mash-up songs? This one is a MUST listen! Unless, you hate freedom.Free Beer and Hot WingsFree Beer and Hot Wings
Second Amendment Clearly and Easily Explained [PHOTO]Second Amendment Clearly and Easily Explained [PHOTO]In case you ever have a hard time explaining why the second amendment should not only be upheld, but also defended, just show folks this picture.Troy J. JonesTroy J. Jones