
Stephen King Sets ‘Castle Rock’ Hulu Anthology With J.J. Abrams
Stephen King Sets ‘Castle Rock’ Hulu Anthology With J.J. Abrams
Stephen King Sets ‘Castle Rock’ Hulu Anthology With J.J. Abrams
Lest you think Stephen King content to limit his TV universe to Hulu’s 11/22/63, the ever-prolific author is about to open a much bigger wormhole on the streaming service. Not only is King re-teaming with Hulu and J.J. Abrams for a new anthology series, but the new Castle Rock will bring together a number of King’s iconic stories with one shared location.
Jon Hamm, Jimmy Fallon Are ‘The Ambiguously Gay Duo’ [VIDEO]
Jon Hamm, Jimmy Fallon Are ‘The Ambiguously Gay Duo’ [VIDEO]
Jon Hamm, Jimmy Fallon Are ‘The Ambiguously Gay Duo’ [VIDEO]
'Saturday Night Live' got a blast from the past over the weekend when it brought back the popular animated sketch 'The Ambiguously Gay Duo' for the first time in years. Only this time, it was a little different. Thanks to a devious flesh ray, the ambiguously gay Ace and Gary were transformed into humans, played by none other than Jon Hamm and Jimmy Fallon.