
The Most Inappropriate Video of the Year Award Goes To…[VIDEO]
The Most Inappropriate Video of the Year Award Goes To…[VIDEO]
The Most Inappropriate Video of the Year Award Goes To…[VIDEO]
This has been a banner year for inappropriate videos. Some of them were funny. Some were painful. And others just made you feel dirty and sad (The same kinda feeling you get after having sex with a clown). This particular video does all of the above...
Pole Dancing for Jesus??? [VIDEO]
Pole Dancing for Jesus??? [VIDEO]
Pole Dancing for Jesus??? [VIDEO]
There may be a good Christian message buried somewhere in here . . . but still, on the list of ways to pay homage to our good friend Jesus, this can't be very high. There's an aerobics studio in Houston, Texas called Best Shape of Your Life Studios, and they're offering a class called Pole Fitness for Jesus. It's every other Sunday . . . for women only . . . and you have to bring a church program