Who really knows what Jesus would do? He was known to pontificate to the masses from atop hillsides, but when it came to something as personal as...self love...you'd like to think he'd bring it down a notch. Maybe just give you a little hint over a loaf of bread and some nice Chianti...
Well, this is an interesting story. A Brazilian Pastor has been arrested for rape after he convinced the female members of his congregation that his penis had been consecrated with “divine semen of the Holy Spirit" and that the only way to receive God into their lives was through the mouth.
Times are tough...the economy is in the toilet; we're caught up in war (excuse me, police actions) all over the world; murder, rape, and child abuse are all over the news...
We're spiraling out of control, and someone needs to step up and take over...
We've all seen the Savior in photos of toast, weeping walls, and jelly donuts, but have you ever seen him here? Click "Read More" to see what I mean.
According to The Daily Mail, a British woman has discovered a religious relic that could rival the Shroud of Turin for its significance to Christianity.
While theologians and scientists continue to debate the authenticity of the shroud - the ancient cloth believed to have been wrapped around the body of the Messiah and which now bears his image - another piece of fabric mysteriously imprinted
Ah, the classic good versus evil...the man in Red vs. the man in White in a rap battle like none other. Had Santa and Jesus both come from the streets, an Eminen/Kid Rock meets Michael Jackson (via Bad) would then ensue, as we you will see in the video below...
What? And you thought Tim Tebow was the reason Denver has been winning. Get the real scoop from this clip from this week's SNL. Who knew Jesus wore tube socks???