The Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections has started the process of firing her, but at the time of this report - she is technically still employed at the prison.
The ‘Concise Oxford English Dictionary,’ celebrating its 100th birthday this year, has added 400 new entries to the English language.
The freshman class of words that are now officially, well, words include “sexting,” “retweet,” “mankini,” “noob,” “jeggings,” and “woot.”
While the Amish completely reject most technologies, like the automobile, they apparently aren’t dead set against cellphone use.
In fact, Amish man Willard Yoder used his cellphone to send 600 sexually charged text messages to a 12-year-old girl.
Hey admit it, you've either wanted to do it or just had a bad experience that you don't want to relive. But, hey, sexing can be fun, if you follow the rules. With all things in life there are rules of contuct. Sexting is no exception. If you are going to sext, please play it safe with these guidelines.