Saturn and Jupiter Line up for the First Time in 800 Years!Saturn and Jupiter Line up for the First Time in 800 Years!Just to put it into perspective, the last time a the great conjunction (totally what it's called, btw) this close happened - it was March 4, 1226.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Meteor Showers & a Lunar Eclipse In the Louisiana Sky this MonthMeteor Showers & a Lunar Eclipse In the Louisiana Sky this MonthWith so many troubles and worries down here on this pale blue dot we call Earth, perhaps we should turn our gaze skyward this month.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
42 Satellites, in a Line, Visible This Week42 Satellites, in a Line, Visible This WeekThere will be a line of 42 satellites visible to the naked eye later this week, weather permitting (and it appears that the weather will permit!). JayCeeJayCee
'Wolf Moon' Set to Appear Above Shreveport/Bossier this Week'Wolf Moon' Set to Appear Above Shreveport/Bossier this WeekThis beautiful celestial event is the kickoff to an awesome year of sky-watching.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
How to Watch The Super Snow Moon Tuesday NightHow to Watch The Super Snow Moon Tuesday NightIt's the closest our celestial little sister will be to Earth all year. Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Get Ready for the Super Blood Wolf Moon EclipseGet Ready for the Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse3 different lunar phenomena will converge to bring this unusual trifecta to our night sky. Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael