Summertime in Louisiana always exciting. The sunny days get us outside to enjoy all the fantastic things we love like beaches, fishing, backyard BBQ s and countless festivals. With the kids out of school and many of us taking vacation time off from work, our chances of happening upon a poisonous snake or spider increases greatly. We've got quite a few things here in Louisiana that can't wait to kill us this summer. OK, not really, but sort of. Here are "7 Of The Most Dangerous Things In Louisiana" to be on the lookout for this summer.
A beach popular with Louisiana visitors is cracking down on exotic animals. No more snakes, pythons, wildcats, or even raccoons and there's a good reason why.
Snakes are amongst the most feared things on earth. Here is a list of the eight venomous species that live in Louisiana as well as their respective locations.
With the weather warming up, it will be more and more common to see snakes beginning to come out of hiding...