Street Lights Get Repaired on I-20 in ShreveportStreet Lights Get Repaired on I-20 in ShreveportShreveport brings in a private company to fix street lights on I-20.Erin McCartyErin McCarty
Shreveport Needs Emergency Help Before Independence BowlShreveport Needs Emergency Help Before Independence BowlShreveport needs to ask for help to fix things up before the Independence Bowl.Erin McCartyErin McCarty
Do Street Lights Matter to Anyone at City Hall?Do Street Lights Matter to Anyone at City Hall?I rant and rave about streets lights out all over town. But I also complain to the right people. At least, I thought I was complaining to the right people. Now I am beginning to wonder if anyone really cares.Erin McCartyErin McCartyMatt ParkerMatt Parker
Update on Street Lights in Shreveport BossierProgress is being made in getting street lights fixed around Shreveport and Bossier.Erin McCartyErin McCarty
Street Lights Out Headed into Downtown ShreveportBoy does this make me feel like I've got a case of deja vu. Four years ago, I was harping about all the street lights out in Shreveport. Erin McCartyErin McCarty
China Set to Launch Second Moon to Replace StreetlightsChina Set to Launch Second Moon to Replace StreetlightsOnce it is complete, officials will be able to control where the artificial moon shines - and how bright it will be. Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael