William's lawyers claim that he is misunderstood, and they could prove it - if they could just get a jury that could look past his terrifying and satanic face tattoos.
This year will be the last time the Ink-Life Tour will display the absolute awesomeness of music, sideshows, and the greatest tattoo artists on the planet that have become synonymous with this show
It's not two months salary and it can't be accidentally removed for a night at the club. Wedding ring and engagement ring tattoos are quickly becoming a trend.
For hundreds of years, people have been getting tattoos. Some to mark places in society, some to represent places they've been and things they've done, and now it's sort of a rite of passage into adulthood. A lot of people get tattoos. Hell, I have several and am planning on getting another soon.
But if you are going to go out and get a tattoo, you can't act like a little bitch. If you do, you wil