Growing up, it was never a question.  At the beginning of class each day, we would stand with our hands over our hearts and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  My 9 year old son Deacon says they do it in his class every day, and no one objects.  In Texas, however, they are having a bit of an issue with this daily, patriotic practice.

The Houston Chronicle reports that Midland High School in West Texas recently told it's students that standing for the Pledge of Allegiance was required by law.  Technically, it isn't.


After being pressed by several news outlets, Lacy Sperry, executive director of communications for Midland ISD, had this to say:

According to the Texas Education Code, Sec. 25.082, we are required to have students recite the US pledge and the Texas pledge at least once a day, and we are required to have a moment of silence following the recitation of pledges.  As a protocol, we ask students to stand and remain standing. We honor any parental request for students to opt-out of the recitation of the pledge on any of our campuses."

How would you feel if your teenage child decided not to show respect to the flag or this country based on his or her ideological beliefs?  Would you punish them for disrespect at the risk of not respecting their beliefs?  This situation raises a lot of tough questions.

It all boils down to this: Should students stand for the pledge as a sign of respect to our nation, our values, our flag, and countless men and women who sacrificed greatly to uphold it all?  I absolutely believe so.  Should it be a law?  That's a sticky question.  After all, if everyone is doing it to avoid breaking the law and incurring a penalty - how can you tell who really loves America and who just doesn't want to get in trouble?

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