This Summer Could Be the Last Ink Life Tour Event in Longview
The news came out last week that the brand Ink Life Music Festival will be sold by the owner. If you missed the news that was announced on the Ink Life Facebook page- check out the information in the post below.
You can tell that the owner really loves this event and has put their heart and soul into this when they say "I will not sell this brand to anyone not in the industry or that does not have the ability to run it properly." We wish the best for all the folks that took part in the awesome event.
I actually got a very special tattoo done a few years ago at Ink Life. The tattoo was done on my foot and it was dedicated to my mother's battle with breast cancer.
The last two events with be at Punta Gorda set for the weekend of September 21st and in Longview the weekend of August 10th. The artists for the event will be announced soon.