In one of the most disgusting stories I ever heard of, a Texas lawman has won an appeal over his dismissal in October of 2016.  Matthew Luckhurst is accused by fellow officers of giving a sandwich made with dog feces to a homeless man.

According to the Houston Chronicle, officers with the San Antonio Police Department reported one of their own after the alleged crime took place on May 6th, 2016.  Unfortunately, Luckhurst was not punished within the required 180 day window.  Due to the uncertain timing and a lack of evidence, an arbitrator threw out the suspension altogether.

Lackhurst was not immediately cleared to return to work as he is appealing another indefinite suspension.  This unrelated case involves Lackhurst and another officer bragging about leaving a "mess" in a women's restroom.  This case also involves feces, although the details on what is being alleged in this case were unavailable.

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