If you grew up in the 80's/90's, you are going to love this years class of National Toy Museum Nominees.  The unfortunate thing is this: Every single one of these toys deserves to win.

Most of this years nominees evoke a lot of memories for me personally, but a few have me scratching my head.  Care Bears, the Fisher-Price Corn Popper, Jenga, Magic the Gathering, Masters of the Universe, Matchbox Cars, My Little Pony, Nerf Blaster, and  Risk all make the most sense in the world as worthy inclusions.  But why haven't the top and the coloring book been in the hall of fame since the inception?  Surely, these toys were just as famous then.

The last entry is the smartphone.  Not a toy smartphone, but the thing you are likely reading this on right now.  Even though we have be telling our kids that mommy or daddy's phone is not a toy, so many games are played on it - it kinda is.

If you have a strong opinion about which toys belong and which don't, you can cast your vote here.  The "Player's Choice Ballot," allows you to voice your opinion on which toy belongs in the hall of fame next to such icons as LEGO, Monopoly, and the Rubik’s Cube.

Full disclosure, I buy toys for my son so that I can play with them.  His first LEGO set was the secret stash of Star Wars LEGOs I kept around for "desk decorations."  I love toys and always have.

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