Here ye, here ye: Avenged Sevenfold have released the new music video for their metal anthem, "Hail to the King." Unsurprisingly, the black-and-white video expands on the song's medieval-sounding lyrics, featuring kings, stark snowy landscapes and, yes, death.

M. Shadow's lyrics ("Watch your tongue or have it cut from your head/Save your life by keeping whispers unsaid/Children roam the streets now orphans of war"), combined with the imagery of crowns, warriors and blood, gives the video a definite "Game of Thrones" vibe.

It's a feast for the eyes, and we're not complaining. Well, maybe it could have used a little Daenerys Targaryen.

The new video comes two weeks before A7X release their new album "Hail to the King" on August 27. The band is also kicking off a US tour on October 3 with Deftones and Ghost B.C. Head's up: the closest they'll be to Louisiana is Dallas and Houston, Texas, so plan accordingly.

Watch Avenged Sevenfold's 'Hail to the King' Video

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