Bill Proposes Even More Restrictions On Drones In Louisiana
Like most tools in our tool drawers if you use them correctly and the way they were intended be used there are no problems. It's when people take new tools and technology and use it to break the law that we start to see issues with our new discoveries.
For me, one of the coolest innovations in the high tech world has been the growth and development of drones. To me these tiny remote controlled flying machines have a lot of great uses. We've seen some of the incredible drone footage of the recent flooding. Those are pictures that couldn't be captured with out these advances.
However, there are n'er do wells among us that would take the drones ability to see and share from often a clandestine position and use this as an advantage against others. That's the reasoning behind a proposed bill now in the Louisiana House Criminal Justice Committee.
This legislation would prevent drone pilots from using their crafts for unauthorized viewing. Let's be clear there are similar laws already on the books in Louisiana, this just clarifies the drone aspect.
It just adds the crime of using a drone for the purposes of peeping Tom and video voyeurism. So we’re adding the use of a drone for the purpose of committing those crimes.
According to State Representative Marcus Hunter of Monroe this new legislation is designed to clearly define what a drone pilot can and cannot do in regards to the privacy of another resident.
We’re just trying to make sure that those who seek to use seemingly recreational activities to perform criminal deeds are caught and prosecuted.
Representative Hunter's remarks were reported by the Louisiana Radio Network.
So it basically boils down to this. If you use the drones for purposes they were intended to be used then you should have no problems. If you use your drone to invade the privacy of someone else you will be prosecuted.