FBI Says Shreveport Crime is Down for 2nd Straight Year
Even though we see crime after crime reported in Shreveport, a new report based on official FBI crime data highlights the fact that the number of crimes committed in our fair city is on a sharp decline for the second year in a row!
According to newly minted Shreveport Police Chief Ben Raymond, crime in 2019 could be at its lowest since 1975 - and the Federal Bureau of Investigation's official numbers on homicide, rape, robbery, burglary, theft, auto theft, assault and battery crimes committed in Shreveport year to year back his assertion up. According to the Ark-La-Tex homepage, some residents still believe that crime is as bad (if not worse) than ever in the Ratchet City.
Chief Raymond believes that this downward trend is due to what he calls "community policing." Raymond says that this is the reason that this year personal and property crimes are on the verge of reaching historic lows.