Official Dog Breed of Texas Also the Most Popular Dog Breed in Texas
I’ve said it hundreds of times and I will always believe that dogs make life better. Growing up I didn’t have many dogs as pets but as an adult I was able to experience the fun and unconditional love a dog can bring into your life, and I am so happy that my two dogs decided to rescue me. Although, I had no idea that the state of Texas has their own official state dog breed which is the Blue Lacy.
I found this information as I was looking at an article from Hepper discussing the most popular dog breeds in the state of Texas for 2023. The Blue Lacy has been working hard since the 1800s with herding, hunting and ranch work, which is why it makes sense they are the official dog breed of Texas.

Texas is Middle of the Pack When it Comes to Dog Owners
Currently, Texas ranks 28th in the nation for pet ownership as 58.2% of households have a pet. In those homes, 47% of those pets are dogs.
Remember This When You’re Getting a New Pet
People love their pets here in Texas but there is work to be done as pet over-population is a big problem. Please remember when you are ready to add a furry family member to adopt don’t shop for a breed. Most likely there are animals of the breed you want in a shelter close to your home.
The dog breeds that made the list are Yorkshire Terriers, Labrador Retrievers, French Bulldogs, Golden Retrievers, and Blue Lacy's.
Let’s look at pictures of the 5 most popular dog breeds in the state of Texas.