Louisiana Brewery Takes the Gold!
Once again, Louisiana has made it's mark on the world of beer! The Great American Beer Festival took place this past weekend in Denver, and several Louisiana brews placed near the top of their categories.
In fact, one sudsy masterpiece from the Sportsman's Paradise took top honors in the "juicy or hazy pale ale" division. Don't laugh, there were over 130 other entries in that category alone. Tin Roof Brewing Company submitted their pride and joy, Voodoo American Pale Ale, into the competition - and it took home the gold! Not only is taking home the top prize in the brand new category a big win for the Baton Rouge based brewery, it's a big deal for Louisiana. According to Nola.com, this is only the 7th medal for Louisiana beers in the history of the competition - and the very first gold! The last medal for a Bayou State beer was back in 2014 when Abita was awarded a bronze for its Octoberfest beer.
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