Mayor Perkins Says Officers Actions Are “Deplorable”
Mayor Adrian Perkins speaks out about an incident involving a Shreveport police officer kicking a suspect in the head.
The incident happened on August 5th. Corporal Dylan Hudson is seen on video kicking 32-year-old Markeil Tyson while the suspect was on the ground being detained.
Here's what the Mayor told the City Council:
We are handling that situation accordingly. When these things make national news and they pop up because we are in the investigative process and we can't talk or it it could taint the process and there won't be justice at the end of it. Just because we're silent, know that we are working on this. The officer is on unpaid leave, not paid. I have committed to community oriented policing. And every time we get an incidence like that again is unacceptable and deplorable, it eats away at the public trust that we need.
Chief Raymond is doing all that he can to change the culture of the police department which takes time. I will continue to hold him accountable because I know the people of Shreveport will hold me accountable in doing that.
Here's the video which aired on KTBS:
All charges against Tyson have been dismissed. Councilman Willie Bradford has also called for a full investigation and tells the Mayor and the Chief we can not tolerate this kind of behavior by an officer.