Mother’s Day Spending to Hit Record High in 2021
I’m not happy about something in this report about Mother’s Day and I want to send a clear message to my 2 sons.
We are less than 2 weeks away from Mother’s Day which is Sunday, May 9th and many folks are looking forward to spending time with Mom this year after a difficult 2020.
Spending Hits Record Numbers
And we are going all out for Mom this year. The National Retail Federation expects spending for Mother’s Day this year to top $28.1 billion this year. That’s up $1.4 billion from last year. In fact, this would be record spending for any Mother’s Day.
NRF President Matthew Shay says:
There is a lot of consumer optimism around Mother’s Day this year as more people are getting vaccinated and stimulus checks are being distributed. For many, this is a chance to make up for last year’s Mother’s Day when we were under lockdown. With safety guidelines at top of mind, consumers are planning to be with family, are making travel plans and organizing a special brunch or outing. All of these activities will be reflected through their purchasing decisions.
The NRF survey shows 83% of all adults in the U.S. will celebrate this holiday. How much is being spent on Mom? Average spending is expected to top $220 on Mother’s Day items. This is the highest spending in the history of the survey.
Don't Do This
There’s something in the survey that is quite shocking to me. It shows consumers between the ages of 25-34 will spend on average $367 dollars on Mom. Both of my sons are in this age demographic and I would be mad at them if they spent that much on me!! That’s way too much money. I just want to have a nice chat with my son who is out of state and would love to spend time with my son who is in Shreveport. If either one of them spent that much money, I would think they are crazy.
The part of this report I do love shows that 49% are planning a special Mother's Day outing such as a dinner out. I would even love watching my son cook a special meal for me. That would be an incredible gift.
To all Mom’s cherish every minute with your youngsters. You never know when you might not have another Mother’s Day.
Best Restaurants for Mother's Day in Shreveport