Poll: Should Government Officials Cut Back on Publicly Funded Travel?
Gas in Louisiana is more than $4 a gallon and climbing. And as hard as it may be to believe, we're pretty lucky. The price per gallon in parts of Los Angeles is approaching $7 and on the other coast, nearly as high in New York City.
No doubt about it, the average American is getting hammered.
Meanwhile, elected officials at almost level continue to travel with impunity, seemingly unaware of the insane transportation costs that their constituents are bearing. And why should they? They - just like always - are traveling on someone else's dime. Or in this case dollars. And lots of them.
Every weekend the President gets on his taxpayer funded helicopter and flies to his taxpayer funded jet for a quick jaunt back to Delaware.
And Vice President Kamala Harris? Well, according to no less than the Los Angeles Times, here's her recent - and publicly paid for - travel schedule:
"She has journeyed to battleground states such as Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. She has also ventured abroad to Guatemala, Mexico, Vietnam, Singapore and Paris. The former California senator, who maintains a home in Brentwood, has also traveled to Los Angeles frequently."
That's a lot of miles, both Presidential and Vice Presidential. And the cost of keeping their planes in the air is about $5,000 an hour - and that's a bargain price!
Now, think of all the officials in Washington, DC, those elected and the thousands of others, flying all over the world or coast-to-coast. Think of the millions of gallons of gasoline spent to operate their publicly funded, gas guzzling SUVs.
Now think of the leaders of all 50 states, the governors, the legislators and the rest, flying and driving and paying with their taxpayer funded credit card.
How many cities and towns across America operate the same way? The mayors, the council members, the millions of municipal employees all flying and driving and not paying a dime out of their own purse or pocket.
It's a safe bet that if all those government folks, at every level in the USA, would reduce their travel by half (ever heard of Zoom meetings, Madame Vice President?), we could bring the oil exporting countries to their knees in less than week.
Okay, perhaps that's a bit of hyperbole. But at $4, $5, $6 and even $7 a gallon of someone else's money, it sure would be the decent thing to do.
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