Proper Knife Carrying Techniques [VIDEO]
Most of you reading this that carry a knife probably carry it on your strong (right) side. That may not be the best spot. If you carry just a simple buck knife, a switch blade, a locking style or a machete, knowing how to carry it in the right spot is a must. The guys over at the Sig Sauer Academy have some pointers as to where you should carry a blade and why.
A knife is not only a utility tool, but can also be a secondary weapon for most of us concealed carry folk. By carrying on your strong side, we are significantly increasing the risk of hampering — if not eliminating— our ability to access the knife in the case of a gun grab. No matter what direction the gun grab may originate, our first reaction is to clamp down on the attacker's hand with our dominant weapon side hand.
I carry the Buck Cutback myself. What about you?