Republicans Blame Biden for Border Crossing Crisis
You've heard the cliche for years. Careful what you ask for because you just might get it. American borders are living proof right now that isn't so cliche!
According to a story from the Louisiana Radio Network, border crossings are higher now that they have been in twenty years as migrants begin to crowd America's southern borders.
Did we not see this coming? Is it ever a good idea to change things just for the sake of changing them? That's essentially the argument Republicans have with the recent policy changes made by the current administration.
The article from LRN states, President Joe Biden vowed to reverse a number of Trump Administration immigration policies and Republicans are pointing the finger at those policy changes."
Louisiana Republican Senator Bill Cassidy says, “As soon as it was clear that Joe Biden was going to be President the messaging and policies changed and there was and is a surge in illegal immigration.”
In my estimation you would be hard pressed to find a person, Democrat or Republican, who would oppose legal immigration into the United States, but this situation nears "crisis" levels.
In fact, a story from says,
President Joe Biden faces mounting challenges on the politically volatile issue of immigration as he navigates a growing humanitarian crisis on the border and high expectations that he will deliver on his promise to remake the system.
Even this news giant calls this a "humanitarian crisis." But according to Senator Cassidy, the president's team has been hesitant to call the situation a crisis and is sending mixed messages. “Biden’s Homeland Security Secretary said to would-be migrants we’re not saying don’t come we’re just saying don’t come now. Well, what message does that send?” said Cassidy.
Again, I defer to my earlier comment. Did we not see this coming? Did we not see the thousands, if not tens or hundreds of thousands, who would jump at the opportunity to come to America, legal or not?
Careful what you ask for!