Welcome to springtime in beautiful Louisiana where the pollen is plentiful and the weather can change in five minutes flat. Is it allergies or a cold? Here's a handy guide to help you figure that out.
Garbage bags/liners are used in almost every household in America. They do a great job keeping your trash cans clean but did you know they could also be making you sick.
This overabundance of male plants pumping their pollen in the air (especially in residential areas) could be the reason you and I are sneezing more and more every year.
If you think that your allergies are worse than ever this year, it's not all in your head. Or rather, it is all in your head--that stuffed up nose, watery eyes, the occasional sinus headache, and the cough that won't go away.
An allergist with the LSU Health Sciences Center believes this allergy season is the worst he's ever seen...