We all have a friend who drinks too much. Some of us have 2 or 3 of them to be honest. But the worst thing in the world is when one of them drinks too much, passes out, and YOU are left to take care of them. Someone has to make sure they don't Hendrix...
I don't know how this started. Honestly, I don't care how this started. Upfront, I just want to thank this man for being smart enough to start recording this.
Through her blubbering, she tries to explain why this is upsetting her, but I can't understand her...
Sex is one of the most pleasurable experiences on the planet. It also has the potential to be one of the most awkward human interactions known to man. Now imagine if sex was like a video game, perhaps Call of Duty. Imagine how many controllers you would've smashed into the wall then. Yeah...it's not pretty. Check the hilarious spoof video below.
Normally, when I think Elmo, I think of a happy go lucky Red Fur Ball that likes to tickle kids. But, apparently, Elmo has an evil dark side. At a Karaoke competition in Washington DC this weekend, Elmo did a KILLER rendition of Drowning Pool's hit song 'Bodies'. Check it out!
I'm sure at some point, we've all watched the Flintstones. The prehistorical cartoon sitcom followed the hijinx of Fred, Wilma, Barney, and Betty as they tried to have happy, normal lives during the time of dinosaurs. They made for some highly entertaining Saturday mornings. It turns out the Flinstones, as we know them, were all a lie!
For those of you that play video games on the computers, you may have heard of the game Rust. It's an online, multi-player game set in a post apocalypse world where the main goal is to not die. You have to scavenge for supplies avoid wild animals and looters, and avoid mass amounts of radiation. In a game like this, it is essential to bond and develop relationships with other players to help ensur
Over the weekend, talk-show host Conan O'Brien gave the commencement speech at Dartmouth College. Not surprisingly, the self-deprecating funnyman began his speech by stating how ridiculous it was that "a television talk show host" had been selected to impart wisdom.
Even less surprising was that Conan's speech turned out to be really good. He touched on the tough job market and the unf