This is a little creepy, but someone posted their grandfather's last will and testament on Youtube. Creepy is just the beginning. In his video will Pappy hereby bequeaths his house and savings to his wife, the timeshare in Albuquerque to his daughter, and to his son his collection of dildos?
For you die hard bachelors out there, tired of having you mom bug you about when are you going to get married and settle down, meet Gilbert Herrick of Rochester, New York.
Gilbert finally took the plunge at the ripe old age of 99 years old. His bride is a spry minx at 86 years of age.
What was his reason for getting they could share a room at the nursing home of course!
A new study by the Centers for Disease Control finds that the bathroom is a much more dangerous place that we suspected. It found that Americans age 15 and up make about 240,000 emergency room visits a year because of injuries sustained in the bathroom...
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this . . . but your grandma has been hooking up with a bunch of dirtbags. Just 'cause a guy is good at shuffleboard and has both of his original hips doesn't mean he's going to treat her right.