We've all been there.  That murky, alternate universe of "between jobs."  You fine-tune your resume, scour the job-listing sites, prepare for interviews--anything to get your foot in the door.  It's even harder when most of the country continues to experience job growth, while Louisiana is losing jobs.

Since the height of the Great Recession in 2010 the national unemployment has dropped from 9.7% to 4.7%.  The unemployment rate in Louisiana is currently 5.8% with 123,020 people without jobs according to DepartmentOfNumbers.com.

That fact and others make Louisiana the 2nd worst state in the nation in which to find a job, just ahead of West Virginia, according to a new WalletHub report.  The latest study looked at 24 factors including unemployment rate, employment growth, job opportunities, and job satisfaction. Out of the 50 states in the country, the Pelican State ranked 48th in Unemployment Rate, 49th in Employment Growth, and 47th in Job Satisfaction.

The other states in the Ark-La-Tex have a rosier job picture.  Arkansas ranks 39th and Texas ranks 11th overall.  The #1 state in which to find a job is Washington.

There is a sliver good news for job hunters in Louisiana.  Louisiana ranks 28th in Monthly Average Starting Salary, so if you are lucky enough to find a job you could make a decent wage.

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