4 Ways To Help Keep Your New Year’s Resolution
Why lie, I am just like everyone else when it comes to having resolutions and setting goals for the new year. Why don't resolutions stick? It's so easy to lose enthusiasm and fall back into our old bad habits. How do people stick with their resolutions? According to Forbes.com successful people follow the 4 steps below.
1. Find out why you are setting a certain goal.
Dr. Michael Bennett, a psychiatrist and author of two self-help books told the New York Times, “If you do it out of the sense of self-hate or remorse or a strong passion in that moment, it doesn’t usually last long,”. Why are you choosing to set a certain goal?
2. Go big, don't be afraid.
According to Harvard Medical School giving yourself a big goal can inspire you to accomplish it. The famous college claims that having a big goal will often inspire people in your inner circle who may offer encouragement and support.
3. Track Your Progress (No matter how big or small)
Always measure the progress you make on your goals. Some goals are designed to be measured. Things like weight loss, working out, even miles that you run per week. There are certain goals that are difficult to measure. Such as a big promotion at work or a new career. You can measure those goals by asking yourself what you need to do to get a new career or a promotion. That is a simple way to calculate a goal that is not easy to track, just break it down into tasks and tracking your tasks.
4. Start your day off with a To-Do List
It is proven that to-do lists make productivity soar. Do you know that great feeling off checking off a completed item? Making sure it's a shortlist is important, research shows that when you have a long to-do list, you're going to opt for the super easy tasks. Start off with 3 simple things that you need to complete. Then stand back and watch your productivity soar!
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