Adulting 101 Class Needs to Be Taught In All Schools
Fern Creek High School students are learning the adulting thing. ''Adulting 101'' is a three-day course for seniors in High School that are about to sail off into the "Real world". A College Access Resource teacher named Sara Wilson-Abell created the course after several of her students kept asking "life questions". According to WLKY students are learning about car maintenance, how to wash and dry clothes, and even how to hang pictures on the wall. I must admit, I do not even know how to change a tire, I really need to learn how to do that ASAP, are they accepting actual adults in this class? The seniors even had a "MasterChef" champion and Fern Creek High School graduate Gerron Hurt teach them how to use their microwave superpowers! The Dorm Room Microwave Challenge had students teaming up to make food out of dorm room food like Top Ramen and Pizza Rolls.
Don't you think that we could use an "Adulting 101" class here in our local high schools? Parents, what are your thoughts on this?