Big Recreation Plans for SE Shreveport
Some changes are on the way to the Little League fields on Knight Street in southeast Shreveport. The YMCA of Northwest Louisiana has outlined a plan to complete phase 2 of its BHP campus.
The YMCA has bought the Little League complex which is next to its complex at Knight and Preston. Leaders of the "Y" will work with the Little League to outline the plan to enhance the condition of the complex. You will soon see the installation of artificial turf and fencing improvements around the complex. The goal is to attract traveling teams for regional and national competition.
“The key component is that we need to put new life into community baseball programs or we’re going to erode the game itself”, explains Beau Raines, Shreveport Little League President. “We have to have a thriving community program for the kids and families that want to do more. This partnership will allow us to do all of these things.”
“This facility will not only allow kids to play baseball locally and support the growth of
Shreveport Little League”, says Gary Lash, CEO of the YMCA of Northwest Louisiana. “It will also enable us finally to begin capitalizing on our incredible geographic advantage. We sit right between Little Rock, Dallas and Jackson. This facility will allow travel teams from north, west and east of us to meet in the middle for numerous competitions and tournaments throughout the year. The long-term economic impact of this project will be massive.”