Greenwood Residents Asked to Stop Using Water Now

Officials in the town of Greenwood need all residents and businesses to immediately and completely stop using city water right now. In a statement released to KSLA, we see “If residents continue using water sources, it will extend our outage.”
Obviously the town of Greenwood was hit like much of Caddo Parish with the brunt force of the winter storm and water leaks have reeked havoc on the city's water system and they are presently working feverishly to restore water pressure.
In the meanwhile, the town has made arrangements to provide several necessities and conveniences for citizens. Each day from 5:00 am until 10:00 pm, residents can visit the Open Range Fellowship Cowboy Church at 9950 Hwy 80 where they'll have access to portable washing machines, portable showers, drinking water and non-potable water, for flushing toilets. Please bring your own containers for the non-potable water.
If citizens plan to use the washing machine please bring your own laundry detergent and it is limited to one load of laundry per household. And those who wish to use the shower need to bring shampoo/conditioner, shower shoes and towel.
While supplies last, the town will provide one case of bottled water per vehicle.
Residents are asked to report discoveries of any additional water leaks by calling 318-208-4693.
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