Shoulda Waited For The Fat Lady
I thought it was over. 28-3 in the 3rd quarter. I texted my football-loving daughter, Alyssa, that it was another boring blowout. She replied, "Yep." So, I went out on the balcony to work the Sunday crosswords and enjoy some fresh air. I wasn't even thinking about football, until I got a text from Alyssa that said, "So much for the blowout." I rushed back into the apartment, and turned on the TV just in time to see the last few plays of overtime, climaxing in James White's game-winning touchdown run. It was an historic comeback, led by an historic quarterback, and I completely missed it.
As Jimmy Buffet said in Margaritaville, "It's my own damn fault." I knew better than to ever count Tom Brady and Bill Belichick out. Because, as the old saying goes, "The opera ain't over 'til the fat lady sings." Wish I had hung around for the whole show.