According to onetime Dokken guitarist George Lynch, whose daughter was once engaged to As I Lay Dying’s Nick Hipa, Tim Lambesis 'recently got out of jail.'
First and foremost...WHAT A GREAT EFFING BAND! Ray Luzier (formerly of KORN), George Lynch (of Dokken & Lynch Mob), and DUg Pinnick of King's X!
These guys could each conduct a symposium on their respective instrument (in Pinnick's case - bass guitar AND his voice)...
Korn. King's X. Dokken. Strange bedfellows indeed. Turns out that Korn drummer Ray Luzier has always been a fan of King's X, and according to a video recently posted online, Luzier and King's X bassist/frontman Dug Pinnick bumped heads at a show in L...