You may know that in 1759, Arthur Guinness, a 34-year-old man with some brewing experience, took over an abandoned brewery in Dublin, Ireland. You may also know that he named it St. James Gate and signed a 9,000-year lease with an annual rent of £45. But I bet you didn't know that it saved St. Patrick's Cathedral. Click "Read More" to hear the rest of the tale.
I remember when I was a mere juvenile delinquent...watching a friend shoplift a Playboy from the shelf of a local drug store. It seemed like a lot of trouble. Casing the joint to make sure no one was watching. Turning his back to the store's video surveillance camera (like his series of ridiculous contortions to get the magazine shoved down his pants weren't a dead giveaway!). Obviously, the
It's hot, so why not cool off and get sh*t faced. Here's a recipe for Guinness ice cream from Emeril courtesy of and your good drinkin' buddy Stu. =)