You just never, ever want to cheat on your taxes. And certainly not to the tune of reporting less than half of your earnings. It just doesn't prove prudent to your future.
If voted in as written, McFarland's bill would add another ten cents to current taxes immediately and then add an additional two cents each year until 2033
Ever since the original Tarzan Of The Apes was filmed in Morgan City in 1917, Louisiana has been a favorite location for movie and television directors. With its diverse scenery from swamps to antebellum houses to public and private college campuses and urban environments, our state can stand in for many other locales around the world...
Sometimes it seems like our fine state never met a tax it didn't like. And with the next session of the Legislature starting on Monday, lawmakers will propose legislation for a steep new gasoline tax to help fix our crumbling roads and bridges...
I think it was Ben Franklin who said that nothing in this life is certain except death and taxes. And nowhere is that truer than here in the Pelican State. The Tax Foundation just released data that ranks Louisiana #1 in the entire country in sales tax...